To All Pastor’s & Ministers of UPLCII,
As some communities begin to feel the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I want to share with you the steps we’re taking at UPLCII Headquarters to help protect the health and safety of our campers and guests while on campus, which is always our top priority.
Although South Texas has not experienced an outbreak, we are closely monitoring local and national reports on the evolving impact of COVID-19. Based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), we’ve implemented a plan to respond appropriately. Our housekeeping and sanitization efforts in our facilities have been expanded. We will frequently be disinfecting often-touched surfaces such as door handles, countertops, keypads, restroom surfaces, tables and chairs, etc. I am asking all of UPLCII Churches to follow the advice issued by the White House for Faith Based Organizations and implement appropriate CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of infection.
We feel deeply for those who have been affected and ask that the churches of UPLCII pray for them, as well as, those charged with making decisions regarding the mitigation of this outbreak. Thankfully, as of now, we’re not aware of any member of our churches contracting COVID-19.
Our offices and campus remain open, subject to the advice of local and state authorities. If we become aware of any condition in which that would be unsafe, or areadvised by State Authorities to take a separate course of action, please rest assuredthat we’ll take all steps that are appropriate.
It is also very important that Pastors and Church Leaders mitigate the growing public alarm and panic by communicating preventative measures in a spirit of grace.
Again, the health and safety of our campers and guests is our top priority and we’re committed to doing our part to help keep you safe.