Unified Pentecostal Local Churches International Incorporated is proud to announce the 88th annual Convention, set to take place on June 28th through July 1st at the Omni Hotel Bayfront in Corpus Christi, TX.
You can book your hotel reservations by clicking here, or you can call the Omni Hotel Bayfront at (361) 887-1600, and using the code “070122UPLCIIUNI.”
To pre-register you can click here. Or you can register on-site.
This year, Pastor Donnie Swaggart will be our Special Guest at the 2023 UPLCII Convention. We invite our Pastors and Ministers, and the public at large to make plans to join us for these dynamic Spirit-filled services. This year’s theme is “The Church of Acts.” We look forward prayerfully to an outpouring of God’s Spirit equal to the need of our times.
This year’s convention will consist of business sessions, breakout sessions, and powerful worship services. We will begin on Wednesday at 9AM, and conclude on Saturday afternoon.
For more information, please contact the UPLCII General Office at (830) 583-9403.