The CDC has made recommendations regarding the suspension of gatherings of 50 or more people and limiting gatherings of vulnerable persons to no more than 10. We understand the reluctance of Pastors to suspend services and advise each Pastor to make the best decision they can within the recommendations provided by the CDC. In addition to the recommendation released yesterday, additional information linked below was made available by CDC and may be helpful in making your best determination in your local context.
Two Things to Keep in Mind:
1. Every Church is in a different context.
CDC has designated three risk categories; None to Minimal, Minimal to Moderate, Substantial. These categories are determined by the number of cases in your area. If your local authorities have not issued specific guidance regarding gatherings, or have not declared a ban on gatherings then your church should determine its risk category and act accordingly. If your local authorities have issued a restriction on gatherings then we advise that the Pastor complies with those restrictions.
2. The Church Is a Body, Not a Building
In the event that your church must restrict services, have a plan in place to continue the life-giving role of the Church in your community and congregation.
-If the advice that your local government gives does not prohibit it, consider reconfiguring church services to comply with recommendations but also provide a worship experience. This may include having multiple services with fewer people, services outdoors, etc.
-The use of technology is vital. We suggest implementing an online worship service (Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Pandora, Etc). Also, consider church by phone options such as Vast Conference or Free Conference Call (Conference Call Technology). Use these avenues to provide worship services, prayer support, and connecting the vulnerable to help in times of economic and physical strain. Keep in mind that copyright laws still apply.